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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Working From Home - What Are The 5 Tools You Must Have To Be Successful? - by Huey Lee

The times are definitely changing. More and more people have started to realize that to work from home presents many advantages over more traditional ways of making a living. Of course there have always been people who work from home as far back as recorded history, but perhaps at no other time has there been such a widespread exodus of the work force from the confines of the office to the comfort of home. It does take a few requirements to be able to do this effectively however, and here we present 5 of the most important ones:

Computer - There is simply no getting around the fact that if you are to engage in any type of home business, a computer is an absolute necessity. The good news is that computers today are more powerful - and affordable - than they have ever been, and it shouldn't take too much money to outfit your work from home operations with a suitably fast and up to date computer.

Internet - As useful as a computer is, it wouldn't be worth much more than the value of its parts of there was no way to integrate it with the rest of the world, which is where the Internet comes in. Think of the Internet as your conduit to the myriad money making opportunities out there. Without a decent, fast, and reliable Internet connection, you may as well be back in the Stone Age.

Website - Of course since you are already on the Internet, you will want a way to maximize your presence there as well as to touch base with the various suppliers, resources, personnel and customers that are crucial to your home based business. A web site can provide a means to do just that and it is absolutely necessary if you want to establish some kind of effective online presence with which you can drum up business.

Blog - A blog is pretty much like a web site but with one important distinction: it provides a much more immediate and personal means for your customers to get in touch with you and share feedback, as well as offering you a means to communicate with them directly.

Autoresponders - This is a crucial part of any blog or web site and allows the easy flow of communications between you and your customers who will form the lifeblood of your work from home operations.

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