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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Write Your First Ebook And Make Some Real Money- by Jo Mark

You can generate incredible profits with your own ebook. But unfortunately, the process intimidates many people. The truth of the matter is; if you can write articles for the Internet, you can write an ebook. In fact, it may be much easier to write your first ebook than you ever imagined. And you can start earning great profits every day!

If you've written a number of articles, you can out them together into an ebook. Using five related articles, you can make a mini-ebook. Ebooks of this size normally sell for around $7.00. If you have many articles on a single subject, you can include 25 or 30 articles in your project. An ebook this size can easily sell for 27 to 37 dollars. This is an excellent way to start making money online.

To get started, arrange your articles in some sort of logical sequence. Ebooks that instruct people how to do something usually sell very well. Arrange your articles so they take the reader through an entire process on how to accomplish a task.

Make sure information is not duplicated in different articles. You may have to do some editing to remove any information that is provided in two or more articles. You may also have to write some transitions to smoothly go from the end of one article to the beginning of the next. Each article will stand as an individual chapter in your ebook. Use the article titles as chapter headings.

When you have finished editing your work, merge all of the articles together into a single document. Add a title page in the beginning along with a disclaimer and table of contents. Include page numbers, save it, and you are done. Now convert it into a PDF and you are ready to generate profits. You can finish the entire ebook in less than a day. See, I told you it was easy!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Write And Sell Your eBook - 7 Tips On How To Get Started If You Want To Write An eBook

Before you write your eBook you will want to consider many things. People who write their eBook before even thinking about these suggestions and ideas usually end up with no profit and no market for their writing. Here are 7 tips on what to do before you start writing your eBook.

Make sure there is a market for the niche topic you are writing about. If there are not thousands of people willing to purchase the information you are providing, do not spend your time writing about it.

Do your research and see if there is a market. If not, change your topic to gear it towards the market that is already there. People will buy eBooks about topics they want, not about what you think they need to know.

Set aside time each day to write. Getting into the habit of writing will take about 30 days, but once you get used to it you will look forward to writing each day.

Start a blog as soon as possible on the exact niche topic you will be writing about in your eBook. This will help you to find people who will be interested in purchasing your eBook once it is completed.

As you are writing, use excerpts to turn into articles. You can submit these articles to the article directories and see how many page views you get. Doing this will also help you to choose a title that is compelling and adequately describes what you have written about.

Learn how to put up a simple sales page to let people know how and where they can purchase your eBook. Writing web sales copy is different than writing an ad offline.

Begin thinking about your next product right away. You can hold a teleseminar to explain your eBook, or begin to create an entirely new information product. This part is completely up to you.

Follow these 7 steps and you will be able to create a new product at least once a month. Learning from someone who is already making money online will also be a plus

Monday, April 21, 2008


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Did I hear someone say where did I go? Well, I went to do traditionally as you can see above. you will be communicated on the next line of action please.

I am now very happy indeed, this is because, I will now have a cooler mind to work with you and make much buck ever than before. A tree can not make a forest.Before now, I use your time to do some domestic work but now, I promise to be dedicated and not to tamper with your time. My time will remain your time.

Do you know e-book can make you rich? I mean talent investment. Being creative and earning with it for life. I know a versatile investor who wants to know will quickly ask how? If you want to know ask I, and I will tell you here. Do not wonder why am I waiting to be asked before doing as usual. This is just to know the extent of curiosity of the would be investors and determine the intensity of research to suit their taste. You should not be offended as your comments are welcomed

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