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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Write And Sell Your eBook - 7 Tips On How To Get Started If You Want To Write An eBook

Before you write your eBook you will want to consider many things. People who write their eBook before even thinking about these suggestions and ideas usually end up with no profit and no market for their writing. Here are 7 tips on what to do before you start writing your eBook.

Make sure there is a market for the niche topic you are writing about. If there are not thousands of people willing to purchase the information you are providing, do not spend your time writing about it.

Do your research and see if there is a market. If not, change your topic to gear it towards the market that is already there. People will buy eBooks about topics they want, not about what you think they need to know.

Set aside time each day to write. Getting into the habit of writing will take about 30 days, but once you get used to it you will look forward to writing each day.

Start a blog as soon as possible on the exact niche topic you will be writing about in your eBook. This will help you to find people who will be interested in purchasing your eBook once it is completed.

As you are writing, use excerpts to turn into articles. You can submit these articles to the article directories and see how many page views you get. Doing this will also help you to choose a title that is compelling and adequately describes what you have written about.

Learn how to put up a simple sales page to let people know how and where they can purchase your eBook. Writing web sales copy is different than writing an ad offline.

Begin thinking about your next product right away. You can hold a teleseminar to explain your eBook, or begin to create an entirely new information product. This part is completely up to you.

Follow these 7 steps and you will be able to create a new product at least once a month. Learning from someone who is already making money online will also be a plus

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