There are a lot of people who could use a little bit of extra cash from time to time. Unfortunately, they may not have the resources that are necessary to start up a business, especially if they are doing so in the off-line world. One of the best things about starting an Internet business is that you can do so without any money coming out of your pocket. Of course, it always helps if you put a little bit of money into your business when you start but the Internet allows you to get going even on a zero dollar budget.
The easiest way for you to do this is to combine free blogs at with article marketing. This 1-2 combination is not only going to be absolutely free for you to do, it is also one of the easiest ways to begin making money with no Internet marketing experience whatsoever. Let's take a look at the two aspects necessary to get the ball rolling so that you can see where to take it from here. is a blogging service that is owned by Google. They allow you to come on and to create a blog for free and you can post any information that you want on it. If you have a product or service that you want to promote, perhaps through, you can write a review about the product and post it on blogger. Of course, you would want to include your affiliate link so anybody that wants to check out the product would make you a commission.
Getting people to come to your blog is a little bit more difficult. You need to do keyword research and find keywords which have low competition with Google but are related to what you are offering. Write an article about each of these keywords and then submit those articles to one of the popular article directories online. The real key is to be informative whenever you're writing without pushing the product too hard. At the end of your article, you will have an opportunity to give a little bit of information about yourself along with a link to your website.
The traffic that comes from article marketing is free and sending them through a free website like blogger is going to help you earn money without putting any money out of your pocket to start. Just make sure that you put a little bit of what you are earning back into your business so that you can see it grow regularly.
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