What should you do after you decide to make money online? With the myriad number of opportunities that are available out there, it is easy to jump from one thing this week to another next week.
One thing that I think very helpful to keep me on track is by building a plan and following it religiously. Don't get me wrong, nothing is wrong with you if you want to keep your eyes open for ways to grow your business. Continuing education is indeed a critical part any business owner should invest in.
However, to actually produce the kind of results you want, you must take action and make them the top priority of all. In other words, invest some time to develop your skills and knowledge but don't let it keep turn you into a procrastinator.
Here's 3 steps action plan to help you follow through and get results.
Step 1. Collect information, but limit the time
Information can be addictive. I collected a lot of ebooks and programs a few years ago hoping to get back to them later but I never did. They are just collecting virtual dust in my hard disk.
Research is important. Before you know what to do and how to do it right, you must have the right information. However, it may surprise you to find that often if you focus on looking for what you want, you can do it in a few minutes. Most of the time are spent wandering around from sites to sites. Those are distractions and there are a lot of them on the Web.
For your initial information collection, allocate a few hours to do that. By all means collect any information you can but you should know when enough is enough. You can come back for another search session when you need additional information. It will still be there, trust me.
Step 2. Define the next actionable task
With all the materials you've collected, now is the time to set aside some time to wade through the pile and take notes. You may start to see the big picture now.
What's next is to identify the next actionable task that you can do to move the project forward. Put it in your to do list and do it anyway. If you don't have a system to track to do tasks and other timely project, I recommend you peruse Getting Things Done by David Allen.
Step 3. Keep at least one task all the time in your to do list
To keep the momentum going, and to always be closer to the final goal of the project, you need to constantly keep at least one task all the time in the to do list.
This is easily done if you are in the loop of adding one actionable step into the to do list once you've finished the current one.
Don't overwhelm the list with items that you can't possibly do right away. Long list of non-actionable items can lead to procrastination too.
Repeat the process until you have it done. If you focus on getting the actionable things done instead of overwhelming yourself with information and non-actionable items, before you know it, you'll have them done.
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